- 2018 closes with the Departmental Christmas Party!
- Christophe has been awarded the McGill Chemistry Outreach Award for spreading the love of Chemistry!
- Casey Platnich, Amani Hariri, and Janane Rahbani publish their paper “Kinetics of Strand Displacement and Hybridization on Wireframe DNA Nanostructures: Dissecting the Roles of Size, Morphology, and Rigidity” in ACS Nano (Dec 2018) in collaboration with Jesse B. Gordon and Prof. Gonzalo Cosa!
- Post-doctoral fellow Felix Rizzuto joins the Sleiman lab after completing his PhD at Cambridge University with Prof. Jonathan Nitschke – Welcome, Felix!
- Congratulations to Tuan Trinh, Daniel Saliba, Chenyi Liao, Donatien de Rochambeau, Alex Prinzen and Jianing Li on their publication in Angewandte (Oct 2018) ““Printing” DNA Strand Patterns on Small Molecules with Control of Valency, Directionality and Sequence” – Congrats, everyone!
- Graduate students Sean Laxton and Jathavan Asohan join the Sleiman Lab! Welcome Sean and Jath!
- Dr. Pongphak Chidchob starts a post-doctoral position at Technische Universiteit Eindhoven – good luck Pongphak!
- Congratulations to Michael Dore, Johans Fakhoury, and Aurelie Lacroix on their paper “Templated synthesis of spherical RNA nanoparticles with gene silencing activity” published in Chem Comm! (Sept 2018)
- Congratulations to Donatien de Rochambeau for his publication in the Journal of Organic Chemistry, “Modular Strategy To Expand the Chemical Diversity of DNA and Sequence-Controlled Polymers” in collaboration with Yuanye Sun, Maciej Barlog, and Hassan S Bazzi. (August 2018)
- Congratulations to Nicole Avakyan on her work in collaboration with Robert Harkness and Anthony Mittermaier on “Mapping the energy landscapes of supramolecular assembly by thermal hysteresis” published in Nature Communications! (August 2018)
- Congratulations Pongphak Chidchob on your review published in Current Opinion in Chemical Biology on “Recent advances in DNA nanotechnology“!
- Congratulations, Danny Bousmail and Pongphak Chidchob on your paper published in JACS “Cyanine-Mediated DNA Nanofiber Growth with Controlled Dimensionality” (July 2018)
- Congratulations, Janane Rahbani, John Hsu, and Pongphak Chidchob on your publication in Nanoscale “Single-stranded templates as railroad tracks for hierarchical assembly of DNA origami” (June 2018)
- Check out our review by Katherine Bujold and Aurelie Lacroix, “DNA Nanostructures at the Interface with Biology” published in Chem (March 2018).
- Congratulations to Pongphak Chidchob on successfully defending his PhD! Well done, Pongphak! (March 2018)
- Congratulations, Janane Rahbani, Empar Vengut-Climent, Pongphak Chidchob and Tuan Trinh for your Adv. Healthcare Mater. publication “DNA Nanotubes with Hydrophobic Environments: Toward New Platforms for Guest Encapsulation and Cellular Delivery” (Jan. 2018), in collaboration with Yasser Gidi and Gonzalo Cosa!