Prior to 2018

  • Our review “DNA Nanotechnology” with Ned Seeman is out in Nature Reviews Materials! (Nov. 2017)
  • Congratulations, Amine Garci, on your JACS publication “Efficient and Rapid Mechanochemical Assembly of Platinum(II) Squares for Guanine Quadruplex Targeting“! (Nov. 2017)
  • Amine Garci will join Prof. Fraser Stoddart’s group at Northwestern University as a postdoctoral fellow. Congratulations! (Oct. 2017)
  • Congratulations Janane Rahbani for a successful thesis defense! (Oct. 2017)
  • Welcome to our undergraduates Alexandra-Carla BobicaJian Yin (Sally) Xiao, and Keith Husted! (Sept. 2017)
  • Welcome, Chris Lachance-Brais (M. Sc. candidate) to our research group! (Sept. 2017)
  • Congratulations Nicole and Justin for your publication in JACS “Long-Range Ordering of Blunt-Ended DNA Tiles on Supported Lipid Bilayers“! (August 2017)
  • Congratulations Danny, Johans, Hassan and John for your publication in Chemical Science “Precision spherical nucleic acids for delivery of anticancer drugs”! (July 2017)
  • Congratulations, Xin on receiving a graduate poster prize at the Canadian Society of Chemistry Meeting! (June 2017)
  • Congratulations, Pongphak on the selection of your JACS paper “Synergy of Two Assembly Languages in DNA Nanostructures: Self-Assembly of Sequence-Defined Polymers on DNA Cages” to appear in the special issue: “Hot Materials in a Cool Country”, in celebration of the CSC’s 100th anniversary! (June 2017)
  • Katherine has been offered a postdoctoral position in the group of Prof. Chad Mirkin at Northwestern University. Congratulations! (June 2017)
  • Kai has accepted a postdoctoral position in Professor Nam Joon Cho’s group at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Congratulations!
  • Congratulations, Aurelie and Tom Edwardson, on the new JACS publication: “Development of DNA Nanostructures for High-Affinity Binding to Human Serum Albumin”! (May 2017)
  • Hanadi was elected as the new Vice-President of the International Society for Nanoscale Science, Computation and Engineering (ISNSCE). She will be its President in 2 years. (April 2017)
  • Congratulations, Tuan on receiving the Leong Fellowship, given to outstanding students in the Faculty of Science! (March 2017)
  • Congratulations, Sanchit, on receiving an NSERC USRA fellowship to carry out research in our lab this summer!
  • Congratulations, Amani, for being awarded the 2016/2017 Carl Winkler Award! This is given annually to the PhD candidate who, upon graduation, is judged to be of outstanding academic excellence. (March 2017)
  • Hanadi joins the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Organic Chemistry
  • Congratulations, Katherine on your successful PhD defense!
  • Congratulations Katherine and John on receiving a JACS Spotlight “FOR A THERAPEUTIC TRIP, PACK A NANOSUITCASE” for their recent JACS paper! jacs%2e6b11489
  • Our paper “Optimized DNA “Nanosuitcases” for Encapsulation and Conditional Release of siRNA” by Katherine Bujold and John Hsu appears in J. Am. Chem. Soc.
  • Our paper “DNA micelles as nanoreactors: efficient DNA functionalization with hydrophobic organic molecules“, by Tuan Trinh, Pongphak Chidchob and H. Bazzi appears in Chem. Comm.
  • Welcome, Albert Daubry, to our lab as a visiting Master’s student from EPFL!
  • Welcome, Hammond Sun to our lab for your Chem 396 research project!
  • Welcome, Hassan Fakih, John Hsu, Daniel Saliba, and Kamila Mustafina as MSc and PhD students to our group!
  • Congratulations, Amani Hariri, for successfully defending your PhD! Amani will be a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University with Prof. Tom Soh.
  • Our paper “Minimalist Approach to Complexity: Templating the Assembly of DNA Tile Structures with Sequentially Grown Input Strands“, by Kai Lin Lau, appears in ACS Nano.
  • Our paper ” “DNA-Teflon” sequence-controlled polymers” by Donatien, Maciej, Tom, Johans, Dr. Robin Stein, and Dr. Hassan Bazzi appears in Polymer Chemistry.
  • Congratulations, Nicole, on winning the ‘Etudiant-Chercheur Etoile’ Prize from the FQRNT, for the paper “Reprogramming the assembly of unmodified DNA with a small molecule“!
  • Using DNA as a printing press to create nanostructures | The Chemical Institute of Canada: Our paper in Nature Chemistry, “Transfer of molecular recognition information from DNA nanostructures to gold nanoparticles”, by Tom, Kai, Danny and Chris S. highlighted in Canadian Chemical News.
  • Our paper “Synergy of Two Assembly Languages in DNA Nanostructures: Self-Assembly of Sequence-Defined Polymers on DNA Cages” by Pongphak Chidchob and Tom Edwardson appears in JACS.
  • Congratulations, Aurelie, for winning one of the 3 prizes in the McGill 3MT competition (3 minute-thesis)!!! The title of her talk is: “Ciblage thérapeutique avec des cages d’ADN”. Aurélie will defend McGill’s colors at the upcoming Quebec wide competition. Aurélie’s presentation is available at the minute 41 of this video.
  • Our paper “Reprogramming the assembly of unmodified DNA with a small molecule“, by Nicole Avakyan, Andrea Greschner, Faisal Aldaye, Violeta Toader, Dr. Anne Petitjean, appears in Nature Chemistry. See media coverage here.
  • Our paper “Transfer of molecular recognition information from DNA nanostructures to gold nanoparticles,” appears in Nature Chemistry (link:  The authors are: Tom Edwardson, Kai Lau, Danny Bousmail, Chris Serpell and Hanadi Sleiman.  See media coverage here.
  • Amine Garci joined our lab as a Swiss National Foundation postdoctoral fellow.  Welcome!
  • Our paper: “Dynamic DNA Nanotubes: Reversible Switching between Single and Double-Stranded Forms, and Effect of Base Deletions” appears in ACS Nano (link:  The authors are: Janane Rahbani, Amani Hariri, Gonzalo Cosa and H. Sleiman.
  • Our paper: “Antisense precision polymer micelles require less poly(ethylenimine) for efficient gene knockdown” appears in Nanoscale (link:!divAbstract) ; the authors are: Johans Fakhoury, Tom Edwardson, Justin Conway, Tuan Trinh, Farhad Khan, Maciej Barlog, Hassan Bazzi and H. Sleiman.
  • Justin Conway started a Research Scientist position at the company IntelgenX in Montreal.  Congratulations!
  • Mohammad Askari joined the research group as an NSERC postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
  • Alex Prinzen, Xin Luo and Casey Platnich join the research group as new graduate students.  Welcome!
  • Congratulations, Justin, on successfully defending your Ph.D. thesis!
  • Tom Edwardson moved to ETH Zurich as a postdoc in Prof. Don Hilvert’s group. Congratulations and good luck!
  • Graham and Janane’s paper, “Sequential growth of long DNA strands with user-defined patterns for nanostructures
    and scaffolds” appears in Nature Communications. See media coverage here.
  • Amani and Graham’s paper, “Stepwise growth of surface-grafted DNA nanotubes visualized at the single-molecule level” appears in Nature Chemistry.  This work is in collaboration with Prof. Gonzalo Cosa.  See media coverage here.
  • Fiora, Andrea, Dowine and Kai’s paper, in collaboration with the Mauzeroll group appears in Langmuir.
  • Glenn Li joins our lab as an undergraduate Chem. 396 student. Welcome!
  • Michael Dore and Tuan Trinh join our lab as graduate students.  Welcome!
  • Dr. Sleiman is the recipient of the 2016 Izatt-Christensen Award in Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry.  She will receive the award at the ISMSC Meeting in Seoul, Korea in July 2016.
  • Chris, Tom, Pongphak and Karina’s paper in JACS received a JACS Research Spotlight.  Congratulations! (
  • Chris, Tom, Pongphak and Karina’s paper entitled: “Precision Polymers and 3D DNA Nanostructures: Emergent Assemblies from New Parameter Space” appears in J. Am. Chem. Soc.
  • Congratulations, Katherine for receiving 2nd Best talk award at the CSACS student symposium!
  • Welcome to our new undergraduate researchers Tolu, John and Kitty!
  • Welcome to our new graduate students Alex, Aurelie and Donatien!
  • Justin’s paper entitled “Dynamic Behavior of DNA Cages Anchored on Spherically Supported Lipid Bilayers” appeared in J. Am. Chem. Soc.
  • Congratulations to Andrea for her new Post-doctoral position at the INRS (Institut national de la recherche scientifique)
  • Congratulations to Tom for receiving the Pall award from McGill for excellence in graduate research!
  • Congratulations to Graham for receiving the McGill University D. W. Ambridge Prize, ‘conferred upon an outstanding McGill graduate receiving a Doctoral degree in 2013-2014 in Physical Sciences or Engineering, in recognition of exemplary academic record, thesis excellence and research significance’!
  • Congratulations to Tom!  His paper in Nature Chemistry 2013 entitled “Site-specific positioning of dendritic alkyl chains on DNA cages enables their geometry-dependent self-assembly” was selected as best paper of the year by the Center for Self-Assembled Chemical Structures!
  • Congratulations to Tom, Chris and Karina!  Their paper in Angew. Chem. 2014 was selected as ‘Very Important Paper’ and appeared on the journal cover page!
  • Congratulations to Graham for receiving an NSERC postdoctoral fellowship!
  • Congratulations to Andrea for receiving an FQRNT postdoctoral research fellowship!
  • Congratulations to Graham, Katie and Andrea for the successful defense of their PhD thesis!